Also, in some people the lower legs are angled quite a bit, compared to the upper leg (forming an O-shape legs or bow-legs).
Therefore, the foot strikes on the outside first when it hitting the ground, causing wear & tear to the outside heel of the shoe. Next, the foot will roll inwards to make full contact with the ground. When the foot is flat on the ground (contact phase) it is then preparing to take off (propulsive phase of gait) and roll outwards. However, this is where it goes wrong for most people: instead of rolling out, the foot continues to roll inward and the arch flattens out. This is called over-pronation.
Over-pronation affects at least half the Australian population, including those people whose shoes wear out on the outside…
This is where orthotic insoles are useful: they stop the foot from rolling in too far and keep the arches supported during the contact phase. In turn this results in a more efficient gait without excess strain and stress on the muscles and ligaments in the feet and legs.
The Comfort, Sports, Sensi and Plantar Fasciitis models are all full-length orthotics, suited to deep, roomy lace-up shoes and boots, including all athletic footwear and also golfing shoes. Please note that the Comfort can be trimmed with scissors to fit the shoe, should they be too long.
Footlogics Catwalk is designed to fit ladies’ narrow-fitting footwear, court shoes and also medium to high heeled sandals and boots.
Don’t take our word for it. We invite you to try Footlogics orthotics for 30 days. If you find they have not lived up to their promise, you simply return them to us for a full money refund. No questions asked. Find out more regarding our 30 day-Money-Back Guarantee.
Also, people with very large bunions, foot ulcers, foot deformities or completely flat feet will need to see a podiatrist and be fitted with a custom device. Although biomechanically correct, many patients find it very hard getting used to these custom devices, because they are very hard.
Footlogics is a so-called pre-made orthotic and not as hard as a custom-made orthotic. Footlogics orthotics are not tailored to a person specific foot shape, however they are self-moulding: over time (approx. 6 weeks of wear) they will customise to the wearer’s footshape, because of their body weight and body heat. So the longer you wear them, the more comfortable they’ll feel!
Importantly for the treatment of common foot complaints (e.g. Plantar Fasciitis) research has shown that for 70-80% of people suffering from over-pronation a pre-made orthotic will provide sufficient correction and there is no real need to spend hundreds of dollars on a custom orthotic.
How do orthotics exactly work? First of all, orthotics do a lot more than supporting the arches. Orthotics re-align the feet and ankles and restore ‘faulty’ foot function. In addition, orthotics provide an even weight distribution, taking pressure off sore spots (e.g. the heels, the ball of the foot, corns in between toes and bunions). They also provide some degree of shock absorption, but this is not their main purpose. The main purpose of an orthotic insole is to improve foot function and in many cases this will reduce pain and prevent future problems and injury.
Over-pronation at the feet causes the lower leg to rotate inwards and the pelvis tilt forward, in turn putting a lot of strain and stress on the legs, knees and back. Orthotics correct the problem of over-pronation and therefore greatly reduce internal leg rotation and forward pelvic tilt. A study from the USA “identified the nature of a person’s walk as a source of chronic lower back pain”. The study further showed more than a fifty percent improvement in alleviation of back pain after wearing orthotics.